Monday, April 7, 2008

Composting Questions Answered

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to ask questions or make comments. I'm thrilled to help out however I can or make recommendations. Please feel free to continue sending in comments!

"How can I compost in a condo?" My sister Ashlee, who was one person who inspired me to blog and writes A Year in the Kitchen (a fantastic foodie blog), asked how someone who lives in an apartment or condo can compost. Ash, you may not be crazy about this answer, but here goes. Vermicomposting is using red earthworks or red wigglers to break down compostable material. The best - and pretty much the only - way to compost indoors is to use vermicomposting. Read more at Wikipedia (thanks Dave for the link!)

Personally I don't know if I could handle vermicomposting, so here is an alternative. You know how people often buy carbon offsets (e.g., because you can't stop driving, you essentially give money to a non-profit for how much carbon your car burns; the money is then used for alternative energy resources) - you could make a pledge to be more diligent in your recycling, purchase organic produce or begin using a reusable coffee cup.

"Are coffee filters really compostable?" Mrs. Riehle, from what I've found, coffee filters compost best when using vermicomposting. The worms need bedding, and it seems they love paper! However, if you're not into vermicomposting, I found a few reusable coffee filters online. Check these out - another simple change you can make each day:


Ashlee said...

ewww. i don't know about worms in the house...
thanks for checking though! i'll see what else i can come up with... maybe a compost bucket that i can have dad take home?

Gillian said...

your blog is great - your sister gave me the URL on a cooking message board we both use :)
I'll definitely be checking back often!