Monday, November 24, 2008

Oberlin College a Green Leader

Oberlin College is know nationally (and possibly internationally) as a green leader. It's Center for Environment Studies (left) is an amazing - and georgous - building that operates on three fundamental principles of nature:

- waste equals food

- use current solar income

- respect diversity.

Building designer William McDonough led a workshop that I attended at Cleveland Clinic last year and presented this building as a best practice in green facilities.

From what I've read, the key to Oberlin College's success is its students. They are committed to making a positive impact on the environment. For example, the SEED House (Student Experiment in Ecological Design) is the home to eight sudents to strive to be environmentally conscious by using vermicomposting, timing their showers, sharing refrigerators and more.

The New York Times wrote a wonderful story and video about the house. To read the story, click here.

To find out how you can adopt some of the practices in use by the SEED House, click here.